My skin is very sensitive. I am prone to freckles, sunburn, heat rash, acne, and allergic reactions to just about everything that touches my face. Over the years, I have found it difficult to use many commercial products because they contain perfumes and irritants, or make my skin too dry or oily. Despite this, my quest for a beauty and health regimen is ongoing. Recently, I have found a number of mild facial treatments that can be done in the kitchen, and work well for sensitive faces like mine.
1. Yogurt mask
I am always trying to find solutions to acne scars, but many facial peels are extremely harsh and can further irritate skin. Plain yogurt contains a high concentration of lactic acid which helps to rid the skin of dead cells.
About once a week I combine a few tablespoons of yogurt and a teaspoon of plain gelatin, microwave for about 30 seconds, and smooth onto my face. Leave the mask on until dry, then rinse with warm water. Immediately after facial treatments, I moisturize with a few drops of vitamin E oil.
2. Aspirin wash
To treat tough acne I use a 10% benzoil peroxide cream. Unfortunately, the cream often bleaches fabrics, and so I use my peroxide only at night. I use this aspirin wash during the day because it goes on clear, treats spots, and does not bleach!
Boil water and pour a few tablespoons over a crushed, uncoated aspirin. Let dissolve and cool, then apply wash to face with a soft cloth or cotton ball.
3. Steam cleanse
Every few weeks I use this treatment to open my pores and sweat out some of the toxins that my skin absorbs on a daily basis.
Boil water in a small saucepan. Set saucepan on a table, cover your head with a towel, and place head over the steam. Make sure you are a foot or two above the pan, otherwise the steam can cause painful burns. Stay in the steam for about ten minutes, or until you start to sweat. Rinse face with cool water and follow with moisturizer.